ഡോക്യുമെന്ററി നിർമ്മാണം

ഡോക്യുമെന്ററി നിർമ്മാണം

Kerala State Film Development Corporation has the capability and technical facilities for the production of documentary films and videos as per the requirements and expectations of the various Departments/Institutions and we assure you output as per your expectations and on time . KSFDC is the sole production Agency for documentaries & short films.

Documentary & short films produced by KSFDC have won many state , National & International awards. We have already produced more than 400 films for various government Departments & other organizations.

As per the Govt. of Kerala circular No: 4743/A3/95/CAD dt 30.10.1995, all Heads of Departments, Educational Institutions, Public Sector undertakings/Boards and Institutions having 51% or more of State’s share should finalise their proposals for producing documentaries or video films only after consultation with Kerala State Film Development Corporation, Thiruvananthapuram and the work should be entrusted to Kerala State Film Development Corporation alone.

            KSFDC - Documentary Director's Panel - 2025.